6th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor
This section provides reference for hardware events that can be monitored for the CPU(s):
  • Events for Intel® microarchitecture code name Skylake
  • Events for Intel® microarchitecture code name Skylake (: Skylake_ULT)
  • Event Name Description Additional Info EventType
    CORE CoreOnly
    INST_RETIRED.ANY Counts the number of instructions retired from execution. For instructions that consist of multiple micro-ops, Counts the retirement of the last micro-op of the instruction. Counting continues during hardware interrupts, traps, and inside interrupt handlers. Notes: INST_RETIRED.ANY is counted by a designated fixed counter, leaving the four (eight when Hyperthreading is disabled) programmable counters available for other events. INST_RETIRED.ANY_P is counted by a programmable counter and it is an architectural performance event. Counting: Faulting executions of GETSEC/VM entry/VM Exit/MWait will not count as retired instructions. IA32_FIXED_CTR0
    Architectural, Fixed
    CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD Counts the number of core cycles while the thread is not in a halt state. The thread enters the halt state when it is running the HLT instruction. This event is a component in many key event ratios. The core frequency may change from time to time due to transitions associated with Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology or TM2. For this reason this event may have a changing ratio with regards to time. When the core frequency is constant, this event can approximate elapsed time while the core was not in the halt state. It is counted on a dedicated fixed counter, leaving the four (eight when Hyperthreading is disabled) programmable counters available for other events. IA32_FIXED_CTR1
    Architectural, Fixed
    CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_ANY Core cycles when at least one thread on the physical core is not in halt state. IA32_FIXED_CTR1
    Architectural, Fixed
    CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.REF_TSC Counts the number of reference cycles when the core is not in a halt state. The core enters the halt state when it is running the HLT instruction or the MWAIT instruction. This event is not affected by core frequency changes (for example, P states, TM2 transitions) but has the same incrementing frequency as the time stamp counter. This event can approximate elapsed time while the core was not in a halt state. This event has a constant ratio with the CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.REF_XCLK event. It is counted on a dedicated fixed counter, leaving the four (eight when Hyperthreading is disabled) programmable counters available for other events. Note: On all current platforms this event stops counting during 'throttling (TM)' states duty off periods the processor is 'halted'. The counter update is done at a lower clock rate then the core clock the overflow status bit for this counter may appear 'sticky'. After the counter has overflowed and software clears the overflow status bit and resets the counter to less than MAX. The reset value to the counter is not clocked immediately so the overflow status bit will flip 'high (1)' and generate another PMI (if enabled) after which the reset value gets clocked into the counter. Therefore, software will get the interrupt, read the overflow status bit '1 for bit 34 while the counter value is less than MAX. Software should ignore this case. IA32_FIXED_CTR2
    Architectural, Fixed
    BR_INST_RETIRED.ALL_BRANCHES Counts all (macro) branch instructions retired.
    Errata: SKL091
    EventSel=C4H UMask=00H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    BR_MISP_RETIRED.ALL_BRANCHES Counts all the retired branch instructions that were mispredicted by the processor. A branch misprediction occurs when the processor incorrectly predicts the destination of the branch. When the misprediction is discovered at execution, all the instructions executed in the wrong (speculative) path must be discarded, and the processor must start fetching from the correct path. EventSel=C5H UMask=00H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    CPU_CLK_THREAD_UNHALTED.REF_XCLK Core crystal clock cycles when the thread is unhalted. EventSel=3CH UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    CPU_CLK_THREAD_UNHALTED.REF_XCLK_ANY Core crystal clock cycles when at least one thread on the physical core is unhalted. EventSel=3CH UMask=01H AnyThread=1
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.REF_XCLK Core crystal clock cycles when the thread is unhalted. EventSel=3CH UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.REF_XCLK_ANY Core crystal clock cycles when at least one thread on the physical core is unhalted. EventSel=3CH UMask=01H AnyThread=1
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.RING0_TRANS Counts when the Current Privilege Level (CPL) transitions from ring 1, 2 or 3 to ring 0 (Kernel). EventSel=3CH UMask=00H EdgeDetect=1 CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_P This is an architectural event that counts the number of thread cycles while the thread is not in a halt state. The thread enters the halt state when it is running the HLT instruction. The core frequency may change from time to time due to power or thermal throttling. For this reason, this event may have a changing ratio with regards to wall clock time. EventSel=3CH UMask=00H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD_P_ANY Core cycles when at least one thread on the physical core is not in halt state. EventSel=3CH UMask=00H AnyThread=1
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    INST_RETIRED.ANY_P Counts the number of instructions (EOMs) retired. Counting covers macro-fused instructions individually (that is, increments by two).
    Errata: SKL091, SKL044
    EventSel=C0H UMask=00H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    LONGEST_LAT_CACHE.MISS Counts core-originated cacheable requests that miss the L3 cache (Longest Latency cache). Requests include data and code reads, Reads-for-Ownership (RFOs), speculative accesses and hardware prefetches from L1 and L2. It does not include all misses to the L3.
    Errata: SKL057
    EventSel=2EH UMask=41H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    LONGEST_LAT_CACHE.REFERENCE Counts core-originated cacheable requests to the L3 cache (Longest Latency cache). Requests include data and code reads, Reads-for-Ownership (RFOs), speculative accesses and hardware prefetches from L1 and L2. It does not include all accesses to the L3.
    Errata: SKL057
    EventSel=2EH UMask=4FH
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ARITH.DIVIDER_ACTIVE Cycles when divide unit is busy executing divide or square root operations. Accounts for integer and floating-point operations. EventSel=14H UMask=01H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    BACLEARS.ANY Counts the number of times the front-end is resteered when it finds a branch instruction in a fetch line. This occurs for the first time a branch instruction is fetched or when the branch is not tracked by the BPU (Branch Prediction Unit) anymore. EventSel=E6H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    BR_INST_RETIRED.ALL_BRANCHES_PS This is a precise version of BR_INST_RETIRED.ALL_BRANCHES that counts all (macro) branch instructions retired.
    Errata: SKL091
    EventSel=C4H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    BR_INST_RETIRED.COND_NTAKEN This event counts not taken branch instructions retired.
    Errata: SKL091
    EventSel=C4H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    BR_INST_RETIRED.CONDITIONAL This event counts conditional branch instructions retired.
    Errata: SKL091
    EventSel=C4H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    BR_INST_RETIRED.CONDITIONAL_PS This is a precise version (that is, uses PEBS) of the event that counts conditional branch instructions retired.
    Errata: SKL091
    EventSel=C4H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    BR_INST_RETIRED.FAR_BRANCH This event counts far branch instructions retired.
    Errata: SKL091
    EventSel=C4H UMask=40H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    BR_INST_RETIRED.FAR_BRANCH_PS This is a precise version (that is, uses PEBS) of the event that counts far branch instructions retired.
    Errata: SKL091
    EventSel=C4H UMask=40H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    BR_INST_RETIRED.NEAR_CALL This event counts both direct and indirect near call instructions retired.
    Errata: SKL091
    EventSel=C4H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    BR_INST_RETIRED.NEAR_CALL_PS This is a precise version (that is, uses PEBS) of the event that counts both direct and indirect near call instructions retired.
    Errata: SKL091
    EventSel=C4H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    BR_INST_RETIRED.NEAR_RETURN This event counts return instructions retired.
    Errata: SKL091
    EventSel=C4H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    BR_INST_RETIRED.NEAR_RETURN_PS This is a precise version (that is, uses PEBS) of the event that counts return instructions retired.
    Errata: SKL091
    EventSel=C4H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    BR_INST_RETIRED.NEAR_TAKEN This event counts taken branch instructions retired.
    Errata: SKL091
    EventSel=C4H UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    BR_INST_RETIRED.NEAR_TAKEN_PS This is a precise version (that is, uses PEBS) of the event that counts taken branch instructions retired.
    Errata: SKL091
    EventSel=C4H UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    BR_INST_RETIRED.NOT_TAKEN This event counts not taken branch instructions retired.
    Errata: SKL091
    EventSel=C4H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    BR_MISP_EXEC.ALL_BRANCHES This event counts both taken and not taken speculative and retired mispredicted branch instructions. EventSel=89H UMask=FFH
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    BR_MISP_EXEC.INDIRECT Counts speculatively miss-predicted indirect branches at execution time. Counts for indirect near CALL or JMP instructions (RET excluded). EventSel=89H UMask=E4H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    BR_MISP_RETIRED.ALL_BRANCHES_PS This is a precise version of BR_MISP_RETIRED.ALL_BRANCHES that counts all mispredicted macro branch instructions retired. EventSel=C5H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    BR_MISP_RETIRED.CONDITIONAL This event counts mispredicted conditional branch instructions retired. EventSel=C5H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    BR_MISP_RETIRED.CONDITIONAL_PS This is a precise version (that is, uses PEBS) of the event that counts mispredicted conditional branch instructions retired. EventSel=C5H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    BR_MISP_RETIRED.NEAR_CALL Counts both taken and not taken retired mispredicted direct and indirect near calls, including both register and memory indirect. EventSel=C5H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    BR_MISP_RETIRED.NEAR_CALL_PS This event counts both taken and not taken retired mispredicted direct and indirect near calls, including both register and memory indirect. EventSel=C5H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    BR_MISP_RETIRED.NEAR_TAKEN Number of near branch instructions retired that were mispredicted and taken. EventSel=C5H UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    BR_MISP_RETIRED.NEAR_TAKEN_PS Number of near branch instructions retired that were mispredicted and taken. EventSel=C5H UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    CPU_CLK_THREAD_UNHALTED.ONE_THREAD_ACTIVE Core crystal clock cycles when this thread is unhalted and the other thread is halted. EventSel=3CH UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.ONE_THREAD_ACTIVE Core crystal clock cycles when this thread is unhalted and the other thread is halted. EventSel=3CH UMask=02H CMask=0
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    CYCLE_ACTIVITY.CYCLES_L1D_MISS Cycles while L1 cache miss demand load is outstanding. EventSel=A3H UMask=08H CMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    CYCLE_ACTIVITY.CYCLES_L2_MISS Cycles while L2 cache miss demand load is outstanding. EventSel=A3H UMask=01H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    CYCLE_ACTIVITY.CYCLES_L3_MISS Cycles while L3 cache miss demand load is outstanding. EventSel=A3H UMask=02H CMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    CYCLE_ACTIVITY.CYCLES_MEM_ANY Cycles while memory subsystem has an outstanding load. EventSel=A3H UMask=10H CMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_L1D_MISS Execution stalls while L1 cache miss demand load is outstanding. EventSel=A3H UMask=0CH CMask=0CH
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_L2_MISS Execution stalls while L2 cache miss demand load is outstanding. EventSel=A3H UMask=05H CMask=05H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_L3_MISS Execution stalls while L3 cache miss demand load is outstanding. EventSel=A3H UMask=06H CMask=06H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_MEM_ANY Execution stalls while memory subsystem has an outstanding load. EventSel=A3H UMask=14H CMask=14H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    CYCLE_ACTIVITY.STALLS_TOTAL Total execution stalls. EventSel=A3H UMask=04H CMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DSB2MITE_SWITCHES.COUNT This event counts the number of the Decode Stream Buffer (DSB)-to-MITE switches including all misses because of missing Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) cache and u-arch forced misses. Note: Invoking MITE requires two or three cycles delay. EventSel=ABH UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DSB2MITE_SWITCHES.PENALTY_CYCLES Counts Decode Stream Buffer (DSB)-to-MITE switch true penalty cycles. These cycles do not include uops routed through because of the switch itself, for example, when Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) pre-allocation is unavailable, or Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) is full. SBD-to-MITE switch true penalty cycles happen after the merge mux (MM) receives Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) Sync-indication until receiving the first MITE uop. MM is placed before Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) to merge uops being fed from the MITE and Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) paths. Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) inserts the Sync-indication whenever a Decode Stream Buffer (DSB)-to-MITE switch occurs.Penalty: A Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) hit followed by a Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) miss can cost up to six cycles in which no uops are delivered to the IDQ. Most often, such switches from the Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) to the legacy pipeline cost 0–2 cycles. EventSel=ABH UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DTLB_LOAD_MISSES.MISS_CAUSES_A_WALK Counts demand data loads that caused a page walk of any page size (4K/2M/4M/1G). This implies it missed in all TLB levels, but the walk need not have completed. EventSel=08H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DTLB_LOAD_MISSES.STLB_HIT Counts loads that miss the DTLB (Data TLB) and hit the STLB (Second level TLB). EventSel=08H UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DTLB_LOAD_MISSES.WALK_ACTIVE Counts cycles when at least one PMH (Page Miss Handler) is busy with a page walk for a load. EventSel=08H UMask=10H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DTLB_LOAD_MISSES.WALK_COMPLETED Counts completed page walks (all page sizes) caused by demand data loads. This implies it missed in the DTLB and further levels of TLB. The page walk can end with or without a fault. EventSel=08H UMask=0EH
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DTLB_LOAD_MISSES.WALK_COMPLETED_1G Counts completed page walks (1G sizes) caused by demand data loads. This implies address translations missed in the DTLB and further levels of TLB. The page walk can end with or without a fault. EventSel=08H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DTLB_LOAD_MISSES.WALK_COMPLETED_2M_4M Counts completed page walks (2M/4M sizes) caused by demand data loads. This implies address translations missed in the DTLB and further levels of TLB. The page walk can end with or without a fault. EventSel=08H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DTLB_LOAD_MISSES.WALK_COMPLETED_4K Counts completed page walks (4K sizes) caused by demand data loads. This implies address translations missed in the DTLB and further levels of TLB. The page walk can end with or without a fault. EventSel=08H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DTLB_LOAD_MISSES.WALK_PENDING Counts 1 per cycle for each PMH that is busy with a page walk for a load. EPT page walk duration are excluded in Skylake microarchitecture. EventSel=08H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DTLB_STORE_MISSES.MISS_CAUSES_A_WALK Counts demand data stores that caused a page walk of any page size (4K/2M/4M/1G). This implies it missed in all TLB levels, but the walk need not have completed. EventSel=49H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DTLB_STORE_MISSES.STLB_HIT Stores that miss the DTLB (Data TLB) and hit the STLB (2nd Level TLB). EventSel=49H UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DTLB_STORE_MISSES.WALK_ACTIVE Counts cycles when at least one PMH (Page Miss Handler) is busy with a page walk for a store. EventSel=49H UMask=10H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DTLB_STORE_MISSES.WALK_COMPLETED Counts completed page walks (all page sizes) caused by demand data stores. This implies it missed in the DTLB and further levels of TLB. The page walk can end with or without a fault. EventSel=49H UMask=0EH
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DTLB_STORE_MISSES.WALK_COMPLETED_1G Counts completed page walks (1G sizes) caused by demand data stores. This implies address translations missed in the DTLB and further levels of TLB. The page walk can end with or without a fault. EventSel=49H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DTLB_STORE_MISSES.WALK_COMPLETED_2M_4M Counts completed page walks (2M/4M sizes) caused by demand data stores. This implies address translations missed in the DTLB and further levels of TLB. The page walk can end with or without a fault. EventSel=49H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DTLB_STORE_MISSES.WALK_COMPLETED_4K Counts completed page walks (4K sizes) caused by demand data stores. This implies address translations missed in the DTLB and further levels of TLB. The page walk can end with or without a fault. EventSel=49H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    DTLB_STORE_MISSES.WALK_PENDING Counts 1 per cycle for each PMH that is busy with a page walk for a store. EPT page walk duration are excluded in Skylake microarchitecture. EventSel=49H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    EPT.WALK_PENDING Counts cycles for each PMH (Page Miss Handler) that is busy with an EPT (Extended Page Table) walk for any request type. EventSel=4FH UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    EXE_ACTIVITY.1_PORTS_UTIL Counts cycles during which a total of 1 uop was executed on all ports and Reservation Station (RS) was not empty. EventSel=A6H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    EXE_ACTIVITY.2_PORTS_UTIL Counts cycles during which a total of 2 uops were executed on all ports and Reservation Station (RS) was not empty. EventSel=A6H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    EXE_ACTIVITY.3_PORTS_UTIL Cycles total of 3 uops are executed on all ports and Reservation Station (RS) was not empty. EventSel=A6H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    EXE_ACTIVITY.4_PORTS_UTIL Cycles total of 4 uops are executed on all ports and Reservation Station (RS) was not empty. EventSel=A6H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    EXE_ACTIVITY.BOUND_ON_STORES Cycles where the Store Buffer was full and no outstanding load. EventSel=A6H UMask=40H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    EXE_ACTIVITY.EXE_BOUND_0_PORTS Counts cycles during which no uops were executed on all ports and Reservation Station (RS) was not empty. EventSel=A6H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.128B_PACKED_DOUBLE Counts once for most SIMD 128-bit packed computational double precision floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Each count represents 2 computation operations, one for each element. Applies to packed double precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB HADD HSUB SUBADD MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT DPP FM(N)ADD/SUB. DPP and FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform 2 calculations per element. The DAZ and FTZ flags in the MXCSR register need to be set when using these events. EventSel=C7H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.128B_PACKED_SINGLE Counts once for most SIMD 128-bit packed computational single precision floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Each count represents 4 computation operations, one for each element. Applies to packed single precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB HADD HSUB SUBADD MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT RSQRT RCP DPP FM(N)ADD/SUB. DPP and FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform 2 calculations per element. The DAZ and FTZ flags in the MXCSR register need to be set when using these events. EventSel=C7H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.256B_PACKED_DOUBLE Counts once for most SIMD 256-bit packed double computational precision floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Each count represents 4 computation operations, one for each element. Applies to packed double precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB HADD HSUB SUBADD MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT FM(N)ADD/SUB. FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform 2 calculations per element. The DAZ and FTZ flags in the MXCSR register need to be set when using these events. EventSel=C7H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.256B_PACKED_SINGLE Counts once for most SIMD 256-bit packed single computational precision floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Each count represents 8 computation operations, one for each element. Applies to packed single precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB HADD HSUB SUBADD MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT RSQRT RCP DPP FM(N)ADD/SUB. DPP and FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform 2 calculations per element. The DAZ and FTZ flags in the MXCSR register need to be set when using these events. EventSel=C7H UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.4_FLOPS Number of SSE/AVX computational 128-bit packed single precision and 256-bit packed double precision floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Each count represents 2 or/and 4 computation operations, one for each element. Applies to SSE* and AVX* packed single precision floating-point and packed double precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB HADD HSUB SUBADD MUL DIV MIN MAX RCP14 RSQRT14 SQRT DPP FM(N)ADD/SUB. DPP and FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform 2 calculations per element. The DAZ and FTZ flags in the MXCSR register need to be set when using these events. EventSel=C7H UMask=18H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.SCALAR Counts once for most SIMD scalar computational single precision and double precision floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Each count represents 1 computational operation. Applies to SIMD scalar single precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT RSQRT RCP FM(N)ADD/SUB. FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform 2 calculations per element. The DAZ and FTZ flags in the MXCSR register need to be set when using these events. EventSel=C7H UMask=03H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.SCALAR_DOUBLE Counts once for most SIMD scalar computational double precision floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Each count represents 1 computational operation. Applies to SIMD scalar double precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT FM(N)ADD/SUB. FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform 2 calculations per element. The DAZ and FTZ flags in the MXCSR register need to be set when using these events. EventSel=C7H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.SCALAR_SINGLE Counts once for most SIMD scalar computational single precision floating-point instructions retired; some instructions will count twice as noted below. Each count represents 1 computational operation. Applies to SIMD scalar single precision floating-point instructions: ADD SUB MUL DIV MIN MAX SQRT RSQRT RCP FM(N)ADD/SUB. FM(N)ADD/SUB instructions count twice as they perform 2 calculations per element. The DAZ and FTZ flags in the MXCSR register need to be set when using these events. EventSel=C7H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.VECTOR Number of any Vector retired FP arithmetic instructions EventSel=C7H UMask=FCH
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    FP_ASSIST.ANY Counts cycles with any input and output SSE or x87 FP assist. If an input and output assist are detected on the same cycle the event increments by 1. EventSel=CAH UMask=1EH CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.ANY_DSB_MISS Counts retired Instructions that experienced DSB (Decode stream buffer i.e. the decoded instruction-cache) miss. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.ANY_DSB_MISS_PS Counts retired Instructions that experienced DSB (Decode stream buffer i.e. the decoded instruction-cache) miss. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.DSB_MISS Number of retired Instructions that experienced a critical DSB (Decode stream buffer i.e. the decoded instruction-cache) miss. Critical means stalls were exposed to the back-end as a result of the DSB miss. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=11H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.DSB_MISS_PS Number of retired Instructions that experienced a critical DSB (Decode stream buffer i.e. the decoded instruction-cache) miss. Critical means stalls were exposed to the back-end as a result of the DSB miss. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=11H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.ITLB_MISS Counts retired Instructions that experienced iTLB (Instruction TLB) true miss. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=14H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.ITLB_MISS_PS Counts retired Instructions that experienced iTLB (Instruction TLB) true miss. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=14H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.L1I_MISS Retired Instructions who experienced Instruction L1 Cache true miss. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=12H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.L1I_MISS_PS Retired Instructions who experienced Instruction L1 Cache true miss. Precise Event. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=12H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.L2_MISS Retired Instructions who experienced Instruction L2 Cache true miss. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=13H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.L2_MISS_PS Retired Instructions who experienced Instruction L2 Cache true miss. Precise Event. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=13H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_1 Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end delivered no uops for a period of at least 1 cycle which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=400106H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_128 Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end delivered no uops for a period of 128 cycles which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=408006H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_128_PS Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end delivered no uops for a period of 128 cycles which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. Precise Event. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=408006H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_16 Counts retired instructions that are delivered to the back-end after a front-end stall of at least 16 cycles. During this period the front-end delivered no uops. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=401006H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_16_PS Counts retired instructions that are delivered to the back-end after a front-end stall of at least 16 cycles. During this period the front-end delivered no uops. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=401006H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_2 Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end delivered no uops for a period of 2 cycles which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=400206H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_2_BUBBLES_GE_1 Counts retired instructions that are delivered to the back-end after the front-end had at least 1 bubble-slot for a period of 2 cycles. A bubble-slot is an empty issue-pipeline slot while there was no RAT stall. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=100206H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_2_BUBBLES_GE_1_PS Counts retired instructions that are delivered to the back-end after the front-end had at least 1 bubble-slot for a period of 2 cycles. A bubble-slot is an empty issue-pipeline slot while there was no RAT stall. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=100206H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_2_BUBBLES_GE_2 Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end had at least 2 bubble-slots for a period of 2 cycles which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=200206H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_2_BUBBLES_GE_2_PS Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end had at least 2 bubble-slots for a period of 2 cycles which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. Precise Event. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=200206H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_2_BUBBLES_GE_3 Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end had at least 3 bubble-slots for a period of 2 cycles which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=300206H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_2_BUBBLES_GE_3_PS Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end had at least 3 bubble-slots for a period of 2 cycles which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. Precise Event. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=300206H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_2_PS Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end delivered no uops for a period of 2 cycles which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. Precise Event. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=400206H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_256 Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end delivered no uops for a period of 256 cycles which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=410006H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_256_PS Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end delivered no uops for a period of 256 cycles which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. Precise Event. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=410006H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_32 Counts retired instructions that are delivered to the back-end after a front-end stall of at least 32 cycles. During this period the front-end delivered no uops. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=402006H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_32_PS Counts retired instructions that are delivered to the back-end after a front-end stall of at least 32 cycles. During this period the front-end delivered no uops. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=402006H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_4 Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end delivered no uops for a period of 4 cycles which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=400406H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_4_PS Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end delivered no uops for a period of 4 cycles which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. Precise Event. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=400406H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_512 Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end delivered no uops for a period of 512 cycles which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=420006H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_512_PS Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end delivered no uops for a period of 512 cycles which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. Precise Event. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=420006H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_64 Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end delivered no uops for a period of 64 cycles which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=404006H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_64_PS Retired instructions that are fetched after an interval where the front-end delivered no uops for a period of 64 cycles which was not interrupted by a back-end stall. Precise Event. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=404006H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_8 Counts retired instructions that are delivered to the back-end after a front-end stall of at least 8 cycles. During this period the front-end delivered no uops. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=400806H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.LATENCY_GE_8_PS Counts retired instructions that are delivered to the back-end after a front-end stall of at least 8 cycles. During this period the front-end delivered no uops. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H CMask=0 MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=400806H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.STLB_MISS Counts retired Instructions that experienced STLB (2nd level TLB) true miss. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=15H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    FRONTEND_RETIRED.STLB_MISS_PS Counts retired Instructions that experienced STLB (2nd level TLB) true miss. EventSel=C6H UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_FRONTEND(3F7H)=15H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    HLE_RETIRED.ABORTED Number of times HLE abort was triggered. EventSel=C8H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    HLE_RETIRED.ABORTED_EVENTS Number of times an HLE execution aborted due to unfriendly events (such as interrupts). EventSel=C8H UMask=80H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    HLE_RETIRED.ABORTED_MEM Number of times an HLE execution aborted due to various memory events (e.g., read/write capacity and conflicts). EventSel=C8H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    HLE_RETIRED.ABORTED_MEMTYPE Number of times an HLE execution aborted due to incompatible memory type. EventSel=C8H UMask=40H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    HLE_RETIRED.ABORTED_PS Number of times HLE abort was triggered. (PEBS) EventSel=C8H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    HLE_RETIRED.ABORTED_TIMER Number of times an HLE execution aborted due to hardware timer expiration. EventSel=C8H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    HLE_RETIRED.ABORTED_UNFRIENDLY Number of times an HLE execution aborted due to HLE-unfriendly instructions and certain unfriendly events (such as AD assists etc.). EventSel=C8H UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    HLE_RETIRED.COMMIT Number of times HLE commit succeeded. EventSel=C8H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    HLE_RETIRED.START Number of times we entered an HLE region. Does not count nested transactions. EventSel=C8H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    HW_INTERRUPTS.RECEIVED Counts the number of hardware interruptions received by the processor. EventSel=CBH UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ICACHE_16B.IFDATA_STALL Cycles where a code line fetch is stalled due to an L1 instruction cache miss. The legacy decode pipeline works at a 16 Byte granularity. EventSel=80H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ICACHE_64B.IFTAG_HIT Instruction fetch tag lookups that hit in the instruction cache (L1I). Counts at 64-byte cache-line granularity. EventSel=83H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ICACHE_64B.IFTAG_MISS Instruction fetch tag lookups that miss in the instruction cache (L1I). Counts at 64-byte cache-line granularity. EventSel=83H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ICACHE_64B.IFTAG_STALL Cycles where a code fetch is stalled due to L1 instruction cache tag miss. EventSel=83H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ.ALL_DSB_CYCLES_4_UOPS Counts the number of cycles 4 or more uops were delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from the Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) path. Count includes uops that may 'bypass' the IDQ. EventSel=79H UMask=18H CMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ.ALL_DSB_CYCLES_ANY_UOPS Counts the number of cycles uops were delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from the Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) path. Count includes uops that may 'bypass' the IDQ. EventSel=79H UMask=18H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ.ALL_MITE_CYCLES_4_UOPS Counts the number of cycles 4 uops were delivered to the Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from the MITE (legacy decode pipeline) path. Counting includes uops that may 'bypass' the IDQ. During these cycles uops are not being delivered from the Decode Stream Buffer (DSB). EventSel=79H UMask=24H CMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ.ALL_MITE_CYCLES_ANY_UOPS Counts the number of cycles uops were delivered to the Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from the MITE (legacy decode pipeline) path. Counting includes uops that may 'bypass' the IDQ. During these cycles uops are not being delivered from the Decode Stream Buffer (DSB). EventSel=79H UMask=24H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ.DSB_CYCLES Counts cycles during which uops are being delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from the Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) path. Counting includes uops that may 'bypass' the IDQ. EventSel=79H UMask=08H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ.DSB_UOPS Counts the number of uops delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from the Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) path. Counting includes uops that may 'bypass' the IDQ. EventSel=79H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ.MITE_CYCLES Counts cycles during which uops are being delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from the MITE path. Counting includes uops that may 'bypass' the IDQ. EventSel=79H UMask=04H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ.MITE_UOPS Counts the number of uops delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) from the MITE path. Counting includes uops that may 'bypass' the IDQ. This also means that uops are not being delivered from the Decode Stream Buffer (DSB). EventSel=79H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ.MS_CYCLES Counts cycles during which uops are being delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) while the Microcode Sequencer (MS) is busy. Counting includes uops that may 'bypass' the IDQ. Uops maybe initiated by Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) or MITE. EventSel=79H UMask=30H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ.MS_DSB_CYCLES Counts cycles during which uops initiated by Decode Stream Buffer (DSB) are being delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) while the Microcode Sequencer (MS) is busy. Counting includes uops that may 'bypass' the IDQ. EventSel=79H UMask=10H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ.MS_MITE_UOPS Counts the number of uops initiated by MITE and delivered to Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) while the Microcode Sequencer (MS) is busy. Counting includes uops that may 'bypass' the IDQ. EventSel=79H UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ.MS_SWITCHES Number of switches from DSB (Decode Stream Buffer) or MITE (legacy decode pipeline) to the Microcode Sequencer. EventSel=79H UMask=30H EdgeDetect=1 CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ.MS_UOPS Counts the total number of uops delivered by the Microcode Sequencer (MS). Any instruction over 4 uops will be delivered by the MS. Some instructions such as transcendentals may additionally generate uops from the MS. EventSel=79H UMask=30H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CORE Counts the number of uops not delivered to Resource Allocation Table (RAT) per thread adding “4 – x” when Resource Allocation Table (RAT) is not stalled and Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) delivers x uops to Resource Allocation Table (RAT) (where x belongs to {0,1,2,3}). Counting does not cover cases when: a. IDQ-Resource Allocation Table (RAT) pipe serves the other thread. b. Resource Allocation Table (RAT) is stalled for the thread (including uop drops and clear BE conditions). c. Instruction Decode Queue (IDQ) delivers four uops. EventSel=9CH UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CYCLES_0_UOPS_DELIV.CORE Counts, on the per-thread basis, cycles when no uops are delivered to Resource Allocation Table (RAT). IDQ_Uops_Not_Delivered.core =4. EventSel=9CH UMask=01H CMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CYCLES_FE_WAS_OK Counts cycles FE delivered 4 uops or Resource Allocation Table (RAT) was stalling FE. EventSel=9CH UMask=01H Invert=1 CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CYCLES_LE_1_UOP_DELIV.CORE Counts, on the per-thread basis, cycles when less than 1 uop is delivered to Resource Allocation Table (RAT). IDQ_Uops_Not_Delivered.core >= 3. EventSel=9CH UMask=01H CMask=03H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CYCLES_LE_2_UOP_DELIV.CORE Cycles with less than 2 uops delivered by the front-end. EventSel=9CH UMask=01H CMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    IDQ_UOPS_NOT_DELIVERED.CYCLES_LE_3_UOP_DELIV.CORE Cycles with less than 3 uops delivered by the front-end. EventSel=9CH UMask=01H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ILD_STALL.LCP Counts cycles that the Instruction Length decoder (ILD) stalls occurred due to dynamically changing prefix length of the decoded instruction (by operand size prefix instruction 0x66, address size prefix instruction 0x67 or REX.W for Intel64). Count is proportional to the number of prefixes in a 16B-line. This may result in a three-cycle penalty for each LCP (Length changing prefix) in a 16-byte chunk. EventSel=87H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    INST_DECODED.DECODERS Number of decoders utilized in a cycle when the MITE (legacy decode pipeline) fetches instructions. EventSel=55H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    INST_RETIRED.NOP Number of all retired NOP instructions.
    Errata: SKL091, SKL044
    EventSel=C0H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, Counter=0,1,2,3]
    INST_RETIRED.NOP_PS Number of all retired NOP instructions.
    Errata: SKL091, SKL044
    EventSel=C0H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    INST_RETIRED.PREC_DIST A version of INST_RETIRED that allows for a more unbiased distribution of samples across instructions retired. It utilizes the Precise Distribution of Instructions Retired (PDIR) feature to mitigate some bias in how retired instructions get sampled.
    Errata: SKL091, SKL044
    EventSel=C0H UMask=01H
    Counter=1 CounterHTOff=1
    INST_RETIRED.TOTAL_CYCLES_PS Number of cycles using an always true condition applied to PEBS instructions retired event. (inst_ret< 16)
    Errata: SKL091, SKL044
    EventSel=C0H UMask=01H Invert=1 CMask=0AH
    Counter=0,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,2,3
    INT_MISC.CLEAR_RESTEER_CYCLES Cycles the issue-stage is waiting for front-end to fetch from resteered path following branch misprediction or machine clear events. EventSel=0DH UMask=80H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    INT_MISC.CLEARS_COUNT Counts the number of speculative clears due to any type of branch misprediction or machine clears EventSel=0DH UMask=01H EdgeDetect=1 CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES Core cycles the Resource allocator was stalled due to recovery from an earlier branch misprediction or machine clear event. EventSel=0DH UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    INT_MISC.RECOVERY_CYCLES_ANY Core cycles the allocator was stalled due to recovery from earlier clear event for any thread running on the physical core (e.g. misprediction or memory nuke). EventSel=0DH UMask=01H AnyThread=1
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ITLB.ITLB_FLUSH Counts the number of flushes of the big or small ITLB pages. Counting include both TLB Flush (covering all sets) and TLB Set Clear (set-specific). EventSel=AEH UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ITLB_MISSES.MISS_CAUSES_A_WALK Counts page walks of any page size (4K/2M/4M/1G) caused by a code fetch. This implies it missed in the ITLB and further levels of TLB, but the walk need not have completed. EventSel=85H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ITLB_MISSES.STLB_HIT Instruction fetch requests that miss the ITLB and hit the STLB. EventSel=85H UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ITLB_MISSES.WALK_ACTIVE Cycles when at least one PMH is busy with a page walk for code (instruction fetch) request. EPT page walk duration are excluded in Skylake microarchitecture. EventSel=85H UMask=10H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ITLB_MISSES.WALK_COMPLETED Counts completed page walks (all page sizes) caused by a code fetch. This implies it missed in the ITLB (Instruction TLB) and further levels of TLB. The page walk can end with or without a fault. EventSel=85H UMask=0EH
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ITLB_MISSES.WALK_COMPLETED_1G Counts completed page walks (1G page sizes) caused by a code fetch. This implies it missed in the ITLB (Instruction TLB) and further levels of TLB. The page walk can end with or without a fault. EventSel=85H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ITLB_MISSES.WALK_COMPLETED_2M_4M Counts completed page walks (2M/4M page sizes) caused by a code fetch. This implies it missed in the ITLB (Instruction TLB) and further levels of TLB. The page walk can end with or without a fault. EventSel=85H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ITLB_MISSES.WALK_COMPLETED_4K Counts completed page walks (4K page sizes) caused by a code fetch. This implies it missed in the ITLB (Instruction TLB) and further levels of TLB. The page walk can end with or without a fault. EventSel=85H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ITLB_MISSES.WALK_PENDING Counts 1 per cycle for each PMH (Page Miss Handler) that is busy with a page walk for an instruction fetch request. EPT page walk duration are excluded in Skylake microarchitecture. EventSel=85H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L1D.REPLACEMENT Counts L1D data line replacements including opportunistic replacements, and replacements that require stall-for-replace or block-for-replace. EventSel=51H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L1D_PEND_MISS.FB_FULL Number of times a request needed a FB (Fill Buffer) entry but there was no entry available for it. A request includes cacheable/uncacheable demands that are load, store or SW prefetch instructions. EventSel=48H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L1D_PEND_MISS.PENDING Counts duration of L1D miss outstanding, that is each cycle number of Fill Buffers (FB) outstanding required by Demand Reads. FB either is held by demand loads, or it is held by non-demand loads and gets hit at least once by demand. The valid outstanding interval is defined until the FB deallocation by one of the following ways: from FB allocation, if FB is allocated by demand from the demand Hit FB, if it is allocated by hardware or software prefetch.Note: In the L1D, a Demand Read contains cacheable or noncacheable demand loads, including ones causing cache-line splits and reads due to page walks resulted from any request type. EventSel=48H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L1D_PEND_MISS.PENDING_CYCLES Counts duration of L1D miss outstanding in cycles. EventSel=48H UMask=01H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L1D_PEND_MISS.PENDING_CYCLES_ANY Cycles with L1D load Misses outstanding from any thread on physical core. EventSel=48H UMask=01H AnyThread=1 CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_LINES_IN.ALL Counts the number of L2 cache lines filling the L2. Counting does not cover rejects. EventSel=F1H UMask=1FH
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_LINES_OUT.NON_SILENT Counts the number of lines that are evicted by L2 cache when triggered by an L2 cache fill. Those lines are in Modified state. Modified lines are written back to L3 EventSel=F2H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_LINES_OUT.SILENT Counts the number of lines that are silently dropped by L2 cache when triggered by an L2 cache fill. These lines are typically in Shared or Exclusive state. A non-threaded event. EventSel=F2H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_LINES_OUT.USELESS_HWPF Counts the number of lines that have been hardware prefetched but not used and now evicted by L2 cache EventSel=F2H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_RQSTS.ALL_CODE_RD Counts the total number of L2 code requests. EventSel=24H UMask=E4H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_RQSTS.ALL_DEMAND_DATA_RD Counts the number of demand Data Read requests (including requests from L1D hardware prefetchers). These loads may hit or miss L2 cache. Only non rejected loads are counted. EventSel=24H UMask=E1H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_RQSTS.ALL_DEMAND_MISS Demand requests that miss L2 cache. EventSel=24H UMask=27H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_RQSTS.ALL_DEMAND_REFERENCES Demand requests to L2 cache. EventSel=24H UMask=E7H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_RQSTS.ALL_PF Counts the total number of requests from the L2 hardware prefetchers. EventSel=24H UMask=F8H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_RQSTS.ALL_RFO Counts the total number of RFO (read for ownership) requests to L2 cache. L2 RFO requests include both L1D demand RFO misses as well as L1D RFO prefetches. EventSel=24H UMask=E2H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_RQSTS.CODE_RD_HIT Counts L2 cache hits when fetching instructions, code reads. EventSel=24H UMask=C4H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_RQSTS.CODE_RD_MISS Counts L2 cache misses when fetching instructions. EventSel=24H UMask=24H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_RQSTS.DEMAND_DATA_RD_HIT Counts the number of demand Data Read requests, initiated by load instructions, that hit L2 cache EventSel=24H UMask=C1H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_RQSTS.DEMAND_DATA_RD_MISS Counts the number of demand Data Read requests that miss L2 cache. Only not rejected loads are counted. EventSel=24H UMask=21H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_RQSTS.MISS All requests that miss L2 cache. EventSel=24H UMask=3FH
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_RQSTS.PF_HIT Counts requests from the L1/L2/L3 hardware prefetchers or Load software prefetches that hit L2 cache. EventSel=24H UMask=D8H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_RQSTS.PF_MISS Counts requests from the L1/L2/L3 hardware prefetchers or Load software prefetches that miss L2 cache. EventSel=24H UMask=38H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_RQSTS.REFERENCES All L2 requests. EventSel=24H UMask=FFH
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_RQSTS.RFO_HIT Counts the RFO (Read-for-Ownership) requests that hit L2 cache. EventSel=24H UMask=C2H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_RQSTS.RFO_MISS Counts the RFO (Read-for-Ownership) requests that miss L2 cache. EventSel=24H UMask=22H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_TRANS.L2_WB Counts L2 writebacks that access L2 cache. EventSel=F0H UMask=40H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    LD_BLOCKS.NO_SR The number of times that split load operations are temporarily blocked because all resources for handling the split accesses are in use. EventSel=03H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    LD_BLOCKS.STORE_FORWARD Counts the number of times where store forwarding was prevented for a load operation. The most common case is a load blocked due to the address of memory access (partially) overlapping with a preceding uncompleted store. Note: See the table of not supported store forwards in the Optimization Guide. EventSel=03H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    LD_BLOCKS_PARTIAL.ADDRESS_ALIAS Counts false dependencies in MOB when the partial comparison upon loose net check and dependency was resolved by the Enhanced Loose net mechanism. This may not result in high performance penalties. Loose net checks can fail when loads and stores are 4k aliased. EventSel=07H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    LOAD_HIT_PRE.SW_PF Counts all not software-prefetch load dispatches that hit the fill buffer (FB) allocated for the software prefetch. It can also be incremented by some lock instructions. So it should only be used with profiling so that the locks can be excluded by ASM (Assembly File) inspection of the nearby instructions. EventSel=4CH UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    LSD.CYCLES_4_UOPS Counts the cycles when 4 uops are delivered by the LSD (Loop-stream detector). EventSel=A8H UMask=01H CMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    LSD.CYCLES_ACTIVE Counts the cycles when at least one uop is delivered by the LSD (Loop-stream detector). EventSel=A8H UMask=01H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    LSD.UOPS Number of uops delivered to the back-end by the LSD(Loop Stream Detector). EventSel=A8H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    MACHINE_CLEARS.COUNT Number of machine clears (nukes) of any type. EventSel=C3H UMask=01H EdgeDetect=1 CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    MACHINE_CLEARS.MEMORY_ORDERING Counts the number of memory ordering Machine Clears detected. Memory Ordering Machine Clears can result from one of the following:a. memory disambiguation,b. external snoop, orc. cross SMT-HW-thread snoop (stores) hitting load buffer.
    Errata: SKL089
    EventSel=C3H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    MACHINE_CLEARS.SMC Counts self-modifying code (SMC) detected, which causes a machine clear. EventSel=C3H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.ALL_LOADS Counts all retired load instructions. This event accounts for SW prefetch instructions of PREFETCHNTA or PREFETCHT0/1/2 or PREFETCHW. EventSel=D0H UMask=81H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.ALL_LOADS_PS Counts all retired load instructions. This event accounts for SW prefetch instructions of PREFETCHNTA or PREFETCHT0/1/2 or PREFETCHW. (Precise Event) EventSel=D0H UMask=81H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.ALL_STORES Counts all retired store instructions. EventSel=D0H UMask=82H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.ALL_STORES_PS Counts all retired store instructions. (Precise Event) EventSel=D0H UMask=82H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.ANY Counts all retired memory instructions - loads and stores. EventSel=D0H UMask=83H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.ANY_PS Counts all retired memory instructions - loads and stores. EventSel=D0H UMask=83H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.LOCK_LOADS Retired load instructions with locked access. EventSel=D0H UMask=21H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.LOCK_LOADS_PS Retired load instructions with locked access. (Precise Event) EventSel=D0H UMask=21H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.SPLIT_LOADS Counts retired load instructions that split across a cacheline boundary. EventSel=D0H UMask=41H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.SPLIT_LOADS_PS Retired load instructions that split across a cacheline boundary. (Precise Event) EventSel=D0H UMask=41H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.SPLIT_STORES Counts retired store instructions that split across a cacheline boundary. EventSel=D0H UMask=42H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.SPLIT_STORES_PS Retired store instructions that split across a cacheline boundary. (Precise Event) EventSel=D0H UMask=42H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.STLB_MISS_LOADS Number of retired load instructions that (start a) miss in the 2nd-level TLB (STLB). EventSel=D0H UMask=11H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.STLB_MISS_LOADS_PS Number of retired load instructions that (start a) miss in the 2nd-level TLB (STLB). EventSel=D0H UMask=11H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.STLB_MISS_STORES Number of retired store instructions that (start a) miss in the 2nd-level TLB (STLB). EventSel=D0H UMask=12H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_INST_RETIRED.STLB_MISS_STORES_PS Number of retired store instructions that (start a) miss in the 2nd-level TLB (STLB). EventSel=D0H UMask=12H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_LOAD_L3_HIT_RETIRED.XSNP_HIT Retired load instructions which data sources were L3 and cross-core snoop hits in on-pkg core cache. EventSel=D2H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_LOAD_L3_HIT_RETIRED.XSNP_HIT_PS Retired load instructions which data sources were L3 and cross-core snoop hits in on-pkg core cache. EventSel=D2H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_LOAD_L3_HIT_RETIRED.XSNP_HITM Retired load instructions which data sources were HitM responses from shared L3. EventSel=D2H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_LOAD_L3_HIT_RETIRED.XSNP_HITM_PS Retired load instructions which data sources were HitM responses from shared L3. EventSel=D2H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_LOAD_L3_HIT_RETIRED.XSNP_MISS Retired load instructions which data sources were L3 hit and cross-core snoop missed in on-pkg core cache. EventSel=D2H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_LOAD_L3_HIT_RETIRED.XSNP_MISS_PS Retired load instructions which data sources were L3 hit and cross-core snoop missed in on-pkg core cache. EventSel=D2H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_LOAD_L3_HIT_RETIRED.XSNP_NONE Retired load instructions which data sources were hits in L3 without snoops required. EventSel=D2H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_LOAD_L3_HIT_RETIRED.XSNP_NONE_PS Retired load instructions which data sources were hits in L3 without snoops required. EventSel=D2H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_LOAD_MISC_RETIRED.UC Retired instructions with at least 1 uncacheable load or lock. EventSel=D4H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_LOAD_MISC_RETIRED.UC_PS Retired instructions with at least 1 uncacheable load or lock. EventSel=D4H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.FB_HIT Counts retired load instructions with at least one uop was load missed in L1 but hit FB (Fill Buffers) due to preceding miss to the same cache line with data not ready. EventSel=D1H UMask=40H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.FB_HIT_PS Counts retired load instructions with at least one uop was load missed in L1 but hit FB (Fill Buffers) due to preceding miss to the same cache line with data not ready. EventSel=D1H UMask=40H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L1_HIT Counts retired load instructions with at least one uop that hit in the L1 data cache. This event includes all SW prefetches and lock instructions regardless of the data source. EventSel=D1H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L1_HIT_PS Counts retired load instructions with at least one uop that hit in the L1 data cache. This event includes all SW prefetches and lock instructions regardless of the data source. EventSel=D1H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L1_MISS Counts retired load instructions with at least one uop that missed in the L1 cache. EventSel=D1H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L1_MISS_PS Counts retired load instructions with at least one uop that missed in the L1 cache. EventSel=D1H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L2_HIT Retired load instructions with L2 cache hits as data sources. EventSel=D1H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L2_HIT_PS Retired load instructions with L2 cache hits as data sources. EventSel=D1H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L2_MISS Retired load instructions missed L2 cache as data sources. EventSel=D1H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L2_MISS_PS Retired load instructions missed L2 cache as data sources. EventSel=D1H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L3_HIT Counts retired load instructions with at least one uop that hit in the L3 cache. EventSel=D1H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L3_HIT_PS Retired load instructions with L3 cache hits as data sources. EventSel=D1H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L3_MISS Counts retired load instructions with at least one uop that missed in the L3 cache. EventSel=D1H UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    MEM_LOAD_RETIRED.L3_MISS_PS Retired load instructions missed L3 cache as data sources. EventSel=D1H UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, DataLinearAddress]
    MEM_TRANS_RETIRED.LOAD_LATENCY_GT_128 Counts randomly selected loads when the latency from first dispatch to completion is greater than 128 cycles. Reported latency may be longer than just the memory latency. EventSel=CDH UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_LD_LAT_THRESHOLD(3F6H)=80H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[Precise, DataLinearAddress, Latency]
    MEM_TRANS_RETIRED.LOAD_LATENCY_GT_16 Counts randomly selected loads when the latency from first dispatch to completion is greater than 16 cycles. Reported latency may be longer than just the memory latency. EventSel=CDH UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_LD_LAT_THRESHOLD(3F6H)=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[Precise, DataLinearAddress, Latency]
    MEM_TRANS_RETIRED.LOAD_LATENCY_GT_256 Counts randomly selected loads when the latency from first dispatch to completion is greater than 256 cycles. Reported latency may be longer than just the memory latency. EventSel=CDH UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_LD_LAT_THRESHOLD(3F6H)=100H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[Precise, DataLinearAddress, Latency]
    MEM_TRANS_RETIRED.LOAD_LATENCY_GT_32 Counts randomly selected loads when the latency from first dispatch to completion is greater than 32 cycles. Reported latency may be longer than just the memory latency. EventSel=CDH UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_LD_LAT_THRESHOLD(3F6H)=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[Precise, DataLinearAddress, Latency]
    MEM_TRANS_RETIRED.LOAD_LATENCY_GT_4 Counts randomly selected loads when the latency from first dispatch to completion is greater than 4 cycles. Reported latency may be longer than just the memory latency. EventSel=CDH UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_LD_LAT_THRESHOLD(3F6H)=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[Precise, DataLinearAddress, Latency]
    MEM_TRANS_RETIRED.LOAD_LATENCY_GT_512 Counts randomly selected loads when the latency from first dispatch to completion is greater than 512 cycles. Reported latency may be longer than just the memory latency. EventSel=CDH UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_LD_LAT_THRESHOLD(3F6H)=200H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[Precise, DataLinearAddress, Latency]
    MEM_TRANS_RETIRED.LOAD_LATENCY_GT_64 Counts randomly selected loads when the latency from first dispatch to completion is greater than 64 cycles. Reported latency may be longer than just the memory latency. EventSel=CDH UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_LD_LAT_THRESHOLD(3F6H)=40H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[Precise, DataLinearAddress, Latency]
    MEM_TRANS_RETIRED.LOAD_LATENCY_GT_8 Counts randomly selected loads when the latency from first dispatch to completion is greater than 8 cycles. Reported latency may be longer than just the memory latency. EventSel=CDH UMask=01H MSR_PEBS_LD_LAT_THRESHOLD(3F6H)=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    PEBS:[Precise, DataLinearAddress, Latency]
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS.ALL_DATA_RD Counts the demand and prefetch data reads. All Core Data Reads include cacheable 'Demands' and L2 prefetchers (not L3 prefetchers). Counting also covers reads due to page walks resulted from any request type. EventSel=B0H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS.ALL_REQUESTS Counts memory transactions reached the super queue including requests initiated by the core, all L3 prefetches, page walks, etc.. EventSel=B0H UMask=80H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS.DEMAND_CODE_RD Counts both cacheable and non-cacheable code read requests. EventSel=B0H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS.DEMAND_DATA_RD Counts the Demand Data Read requests sent to uncore. Use it in conjunction with OFFCORE_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING to determine average latency in the uncore. EventSel=B0H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS.DEMAND_RFO Counts the demand RFO (read for ownership) requests including regular RFOs, locks, ItoM. EventSel=B0H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS.L3_MISS_DEMAND_DATA_RD Demand Data Read requests who miss L3 cache. EventSel=B0H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS_BUFFER.SQ_FULL Counts the number of cases when the offcore requests buffer cannot take more entries for the core. This can happen when the superqueue does not contain eligible entries, or when L1D writeback pending FIFO requests is full.Note: Writeback pending FIFO has six entries. EventSel=B2H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING.ALL_DATA_RD Counts the number of offcore outstanding cacheable Core Data Read transactions in the super queue every cycle. A transaction is considered to be in the Offcore outstanding state between L2 miss and transaction completion sent to requestor (SQ de-allocation). See corresponding Umask under OFFCORE_REQUESTS. EventSel=60H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING.CYCLES_WITH_DATA_RD Counts cycles when offcore outstanding cacheable Core Data Read transactions are present in the super queue. A transaction is considered to be in the Offcore outstanding state between L2 miss and transaction completion sent to requestor (SQ de-allocation). See corresponding Umask under OFFCORE_REQUESTS. EventSel=60H UMask=08H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING.CYCLES_WITH_DEMAND_CODE_RD Counts the number of offcore outstanding Code Reads transactions in the super queue every cycle. The 'Offcore outstanding' state of the transaction lasts from the L2 miss until the sending transaction completion to requestor (SQ deallocation). See the corresponding Umask under OFFCORE_REQUESTS. EventSel=60H UMask=02H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING.CYCLES_WITH_DEMAND_DATA_RD Counts cycles when offcore outstanding Demand Data Read transactions are present in the super queue (SQ). A transaction is considered to be in the Offcore outstanding state between L2 miss and transaction completion sent to requestor (SQ de-allocation). EventSel=60H UMask=01H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING.CYCLES_WITH_DEMAND_RFO Counts the number of offcore outstanding demand rfo Reads transactions in the super queue every cycle. The 'Offcore outstanding' state of the transaction lasts from the L2 miss until the sending transaction completion to requestor (SQ deallocation). See the corresponding Umask under OFFCORE_REQUESTS. EventSel=60H UMask=04H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING.CYCLES_WITH_L3_MISS_DEMAND_DATA_RD Cycles with at least 1 Demand Data Read requests who miss L3 cache in the superQ. EventSel=60H UMask=10H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING.DEMAND_CODE_RD Counts the number of offcore outstanding Code Reads transactions in the super queue every cycle. The 'Offcore outstanding' state of the transaction lasts from the L2 miss until the sending transaction completion to requestor (SQ deallocation). See the corresponding Umask under OFFCORE_REQUESTS. EventSel=60H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING.DEMAND_DATA_RD Counts the number of offcore outstanding Demand Data Read transactions in the super queue (SQ) every cycle. A transaction is considered to be in the Offcore outstanding state between L2 miss and transaction completion sent to requestor. See the corresponding Umask under OFFCORE_REQUESTS.Note: A prefetch promoted to Demand is counted from the promotion point. EventSel=60H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING.DEMAND_DATA_RD_GE_6 Cycles with at least 6 offcore outstanding Demand Data Read transactions in uncore queue. EventSel=60H UMask=01H CMask=06H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING.DEMAND_RFO Counts the number of offcore outstanding RFO (store) transactions in the super queue (SQ) every cycle. A transaction is considered to be in the Offcore outstanding state between L2 miss and transaction completion sent to requestor (SQ de-allocation). See corresponding Umask under OFFCORE_REQUESTS. EventSel=60H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING.L3_MISS_DEMAND_DATA_RD Counts number of Offcore outstanding Demand Data Read requests that miss L3 cache in the superQ every cycle. EventSel=60H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OFFCORE_REQUESTS_OUTSTANDING.L3_MISS_DEMAND_DATA_RD_GE_6 Cycles with at least 6 Demand Data Read requests that miss L3 cache in the superQ. EventSel=60H UMask=10H CMask=06H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    OTHER_ASSISTS.ANY Number of times a microcode assist is invoked by HW other than FP-assist. Examples include AD (page Access Dirty) and AVX* related assists. EventSel=C1H UMask=3FH
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    PARTIAL_RAT_STALLS.SCOREBOARD This event counts cycles during which the microcode scoreboard stalls happen. EventSel=59H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    RESOURCE_STALLS.ANY Counts resource-related stall cycles. EventSel=A2H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    RESOURCE_STALLS.SB Counts allocation stall cycles caused by the store buffer (SB) being full. This counts cycles that the pipeline back-end blocked uop delivery from the front-end. EventSel=A2H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ROB_MISC_EVENTS.LBR_INSERTS Increments when an entry is added to the Last Branch Record (LBR) array (or removed from the array in case of RETURNs in call stack mode). The event requires LBR enable via IA32_DEBUGCTL MSR and branch type selection via MSR_LBR_SELECT. EventSel=CCH UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    ROB_MISC_EVENTS.PAUSE_INST Number of retired PAUSE instructions (that do not end up with a VMExit to the VMM; TSX aborted Instructions may be counted). This event is not supported on first SKL and KBL products. EventSel=CCH UMask=40H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    RS_EVENTS.EMPTY_CYCLES Counts cycles during which the reservation station (RS) is empty for the thread.; Note: In ST-mode, not active thread should drive 0. This is usually caused by severely costly branch mispredictions, or allocator/FE issues. EventSel=5EH UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    RS_EVENTS.EMPTY_END Counts end of periods where the Reservation Station (RS) was empty. Could be useful to precisely locate front-end Latency Bound issues. EventSel=5EH UMask=01H EdgeDetect=1 Invert=1 CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    RTM_RETIRED.ABORTED Number of times RTM abort was triggered. EventSel=C9H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    PEBS:[PreciseEventingIP, Counter=0,1,2,3]
    RTM_RETIRED.ABORTED_EVENTS Number of times an RTM execution aborted due to none of the previous 4 categories (e.g. interrupt). EventSel=C9H UMask=80H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    RTM_RETIRED.ABORTED_MEM Number of times an RTM execution aborted due to various memory events (e.g. read/write capacity and conflicts). EventSel=C9H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    RTM_RETIRED.ABORTED_MEMTYPE Number of times an RTM execution aborted due to incompatible memory type. EventSel=C9H UMask=40H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    RTM_RETIRED.ABORTED_PS Number of times RTM abort was triggered. (PEBS) EventSel=C9H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3
    RTM_RETIRED.ABORTED_TIMER Number of times an RTM execution aborted due to uncommon conditions. EventSel=C9H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    RTM_RETIRED.ABORTED_UNFRIENDLY Number of times an RTM execution aborted due to HLE-unfriendly instructions. EventSel=C9H UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    RTM_RETIRED.COMMIT Number of times RTM commit succeeded. EventSel=C9H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    RTM_RETIRED.START Number of times we entered an RTM region. Does not count nested transactions. EventSel=C9H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    SQ_MISC.SPLIT_LOCK Counts the number of cache line split locks sent to the uncore. EventSel=F4H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    SW_PREFETCH_ACCESS.ANY Counts the number of PREFETCHNTA, PREFETCHW, PREFETCHT0, PREFETCHT1 or PREFETCHT2 instructions executed. EventSel=32H UMask=0FH
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    SW_PREFETCH_ACCESS.NTA Number of PREFETCHNTA instructions executed. EventSel=32H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    SW_PREFETCH_ACCESS.PREFETCHW Number of PREFETCHW instructions executed. EventSel=32H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    SW_PREFETCH_ACCESS.T0 Number of PREFETCHT0 instructions executed. EventSel=32H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    SW_PREFETCH_ACCESS.T1_T2 Number of PREFETCHT1 or PREFETCHT2 instructions executed. EventSel=32H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    TLB_FLUSH.DTLB_THREAD Counts the number of DTLB flush attempts of the thread-specific entries. EventSel=BDH UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    TLB_FLUSH.STLB_ANY Counts the number of any STLB flush attempts (such as entire, VPID, PCID, InvPage, CR3 write, etc.). EventSel=BDH UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    TX_EXEC.MISC1 Counts the number of times a class of instructions that may cause a transactional abort was executed. Since this is the count of execution, it may not always cause a transactional abort. EventSel=5DH UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    TX_EXEC.MISC2 Unfriendly TSX abort triggered by a vzeroupper instruction. EventSel=5DH UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    TX_EXEC.MISC3 Unfriendly TSX abort triggered by a nest count that is too deep. EventSel=5DH UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    TX_EXEC.MISC4 RTM region detected inside HLE. EventSel=5DH UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    TX_EXEC.MISC5 Counts the number of times an HLE XACQUIRE instruction was executed inside an RTM transactional region. EventSel=5DH UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    TX_MEM.ABORT_CAPACITY Number of times a transactional abort was signaled due to a data capacity limitation for transactional reads or writes. EventSel=54H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    TX_MEM.ABORT_CONFLICT Number of times a TSX line had a cache conflict. EventSel=54H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    TX_MEM.ABORT_HLE_ELISION_BUFFER_MISMATCH Number of times a TSX Abort was triggered due to release/commit but data and address mismatch. EventSel=54H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    TX_MEM.ABORT_HLE_ELISION_BUFFER_NOT_EMPTY Number of times a TSX Abort was triggered due to commit but Lock Buffer not empty. EventSel=54H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    TX_MEM.ABORT_HLE_ELISION_BUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_ALIGNMENT Number of times a TSX Abort was triggered due to attempting an unsupported alignment from Lock Buffer. EventSel=54H UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    TX_MEM.ABORT_HLE_STORE_TO_ELIDED_LOCK Number of times a TSX Abort was triggered due to a non-release/commit store to lock. EventSel=54H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    TX_MEM.HLE_ELISION_BUFFER_FULL Number of times we could not allocate Lock Buffer. EventSel=54H UMask=40H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_0 Counts, on the per-thread basis, cycles during which at least one uop is dispatched from the Reservation Station (RS) to port 0. EventSel=A1H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_1 Counts, on the per-thread basis, cycles during which at least one uop is dispatched from the Reservation Station (RS) to port 1. EventSel=A1H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_2 Counts, on the per-thread basis, cycles during which at least one uop is dispatched from the Reservation Station (RS) to port 2. EventSel=A1H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_3 Counts, on the per-thread basis, cycles during which at least one uop is dispatched from the Reservation Station (RS) to port 3. EventSel=A1H UMask=08H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_4 Counts, on the per-thread basis, cycles during which at least one uop is dispatched from the Reservation Station (RS) to port 4. EventSel=A1H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_5 Counts, on the per-thread basis, cycles during which at least one uop is dispatched from the Reservation Station (RS) to port 5. EventSel=A1H UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_6 Counts, on the per-thread basis, cycles during which at least one uop is dispatched from the Reservation Station (RS) to port 6. EventSel=A1H UMask=40H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_DISPATCHED_PORT.PORT_7 Counts, on the per-thread basis, cycles during which at least one uop is dispatched from the Reservation Station (RS) to port 7. EventSel=A1H UMask=80H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE Number of uops executed from any thread. EventSel=B1H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE_CYCLES_GE_1 Cycles at least 1 micro-op is executed from any thread on physical core. EventSel=B1H UMask=02H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE_CYCLES_GE_2 Cycles at least 2 micro-op is executed from any thread on physical core. EventSel=B1H UMask=02H CMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE_CYCLES_GE_3 Cycles at least 3 micro-op is executed from any thread on physical core. EventSel=B1H UMask=02H CMask=03H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE_CYCLES_GE_4 Cycles at least 4 micro-op is executed from any thread on physical core. EventSel=B1H UMask=02H CMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_EXECUTED.CORE_CYCLES_NONE Cycles with no micro-ops executed from any thread on physical core. EventSel=B1H UMask=02H Invert=1 CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_EXECUTED.CYCLES_GE_1_UOP_EXEC Cycles where at least 1 uop was executed per-thread. EventSel=B1H UMask=01H CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_EXECUTED.CYCLES_GE_2_UOPS_EXEC Cycles where at least 2 uops were executed per-thread. EventSel=B1H UMask=01H CMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_EXECUTED.CYCLES_GE_3_UOPS_EXEC Cycles where at least 3 uops were executed per-thread. EventSel=B1H UMask=01H CMask=03H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_EXECUTED.CYCLES_GE_4_UOPS_EXEC Cycles where at least 4 uops were executed per-thread. EventSel=B1H UMask=01H CMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_EXECUTED.STALL_CYCLES Counts cycles during which no uops were dispatched from the Reservation Station (RS) per thread. EventSel=B1H UMask=01H Invert=1 CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_EXECUTED.THREAD Number of uops to be executed per-thread each cycle. EventSel=B1H UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_EXECUTED.X87 Counts the number of x87 uops executed. EventSel=B1H UMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_ISSUED.ANY Counts the number of uops that the Resource Allocation Table (RAT) issues to the Reservation Station (RS). EventSel=0EH UMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_ISSUED.SLOW_LEA Number of slow LEA uops being allocated. A uop is generally considered SlowLea if it has 3 sources (e.g. 2 sources + immediate) regardless if as a result of LEA instruction or not. EventSel=0EH UMask=20H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_ISSUED.STALL_CYCLES Counts cycles during which the Resource Allocation Table (RAT) does not issue any Uops to the reservation station (RS) for the current thread. EventSel=0EH UMask=01H Invert=1 CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_ISSUED.VECTOR_WIDTH_MISMATCH Counts the number of Blend Uops issued by the Resource Allocation Table (RAT) to the reservation station (RS) in order to preserve upper bits of vector registers. Starting with the Skylake microarchitecture, these Blend uops are needed since every Intel SSE instruction executed in Dirty Upper State needs to preserve bits 128-255 of the destination register. For more information, refer to “Mixing Intel AVX and Intel SSE Code” section of the Optimization Guide. EventSel=0EH UMask=02H CMask=0
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_RETIRED.MACRO_FUSED Counts the number of macro-fused uops retired. (non precise) EventSel=C2H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_RETIRED.RETIRE_SLOTS Counts the retirement slots used. EventSel=C2H UMask=02H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_RETIRED.STALL_CYCLES This event counts cycles without actually retired uops. EventSel=C2H UMask=02H Invert=1 CMask=01H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UOPS_RETIRED.TOTAL_CYCLES Number of cycles using always true condition (uops_ret < 16) applied to non PEBS uops retired event. EventSel=C2H UMask=02H Invert=1 CMask=10H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    L2_LINES_OUT.USELESS_PREF This event is deprecated. Refer to new event L2_LINES_OUT.USELESS_HWPF EventSel=F2H UMask=04H
    Counter=0,1,2,3 CounterHTOff=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
    UNCORE Uncore
    UNC_CLOCK.SOCKET This 48-bit fixed counter counts the UCLK cycles. MSR_UNC_PERF_FIXED_CTR
    UNC_ARB_COH_TRK_REQUESTS.ALL Number of entries allocated. Account for Any type: e.g. Snoop, Core aperture, etc. EventSel=84H UMask=01H
    UNC_ARB_TRK_OCCUPANCY.ALL Number of all Core entries outstanding for the memory controller. The outstanding interval starts after LLC miss till return of first data chunk. Accounts for Coherent and non-coherent traffic. EventSel=80H UMask=01H
    UNC_ARB_TRK_OCCUPANCY.CYCLES_WITH_ANY_REQUEST Cycles with at least one request outstanding is waiting for data return from memory controller. Account for coherent and non-coherent requests initiated by IA Cores, Processor Graphics Unit, or LLC. EventSel=80H UMask=01H
    UNC_ARB_TRK_OCCUPANCY.DATA_READ Number of Core Data Read entries outstanding for the memory controller. The outstanding interval starts after LLC miss till return of first data chunk. EventSel=80H UMask=02H
    UNC_ARB_TRK_REQUESTS.DATA_READ Number of Core coherent Data Read requests sent to memory controller whose data is returned directly to requesting agent. EventSel=81H UMask=02H
    UNC_ARB_TRK_REQUESTS.DRD_DIRECT Number of Core coherent Data Read requests sent to memory controller whose data is returned directly to requesting agent. EventSel=81H UMask=02H
    UNC_ARB_TRK_REQUESTS.WRITES Number of Writes allocated - any write transactions: full/partials writes and evictions. EventSel=81H UMask=20H
    UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.ANY_ES L3 Lookup any request that access cache and found line in E or S-state. EventSel=34H UMask=86H
    UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.ANY_I L3 Lookup any request that access cache and found line in I-state. EventSel=34H UMask=88H
    UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.ANY_M L3 Lookup any request that access cache and found line in M-state. EventSel=34H UMask=81H
    UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.ANY_MESI L3 Lookup any request that access cache and found line in MESI-state. EventSel=34H UMask=8FH
    UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.READ_ES L3 Lookup read request that access cache and found line in E or S-state. EventSel=34H UMask=16H
    UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.READ_I L3 Lookup read request that access cache and found line in I-state. EventSel=34H UMask=18H
    UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.READ_MESI L3 Lookup read request that access cache and found line in any MESI-state. EventSel=34H UMask=1FH
    UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.WRITE_ES L3 Lookup write request that access cache and found line in E or S-state. EventSel=34H UMask=26H
    UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.WRITE_M L3 Lookup write request that access cache and found line in M-state. EventSel=34H UMask=21H
    UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.WRITE_MESI L3 Lookup write request that access cache and found line in MESI-state. EventSel=34H UMask=2FH
    UNC_CBO_XSNP_RESPONSE.HIT_XCORE A cross-core snoop initiated by this Cbox due to processor core memory request which hits a non-modified line in some processor core. EventSel=22H UMask=44H
    UNC_CBO_XSNP_RESPONSE.HITM_XCORE A cross-core snoop initiated by this Cbox due to processor core memory request which hits a modified line in some processor core. EventSel=22H UMask=48H
    UNC_CBO_XSNP_RESPONSE.MISS_EVICTION A cross-core snoop resulted from L3 Eviction which misses in some processor core. EventSel=22H UMask=81H
    UNC_CBO_XSNP_RESPONSE.MISS_XCORE A cross-core snoop initiated by this Cbox due to processor core memory request which misses in some processor core. EventSel=22H UMask=41H
    OFFCORE Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_MISS.ANY_SNOOP Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FFC408000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=203C408000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_HITM Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=103C408000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=43C408000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_MISS Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=23C408000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=13C408000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_NONE Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=BC408000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_MISS.SPL_HIT Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=7C408000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.ANY_SNOOP Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC4008000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2004008000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_HITM Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1004008000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=404008000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_MISS Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=204008000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=104008000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_NONE Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=84008000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SPL_HIT Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=44008000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.ANY_SNOOP Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0408000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000408000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_HITM Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000408000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400408000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_MISS Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200408000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100408000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_NONE Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80408000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SPL_HIT Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40408000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT.ANY_SNOOP Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC01C8000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=20001C8000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_HITM Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=10001C8000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=4001C8000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_MISS Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2001C8000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1001C8000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_NONE Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=801C8000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT.SPL_HIT Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=401C8000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_S.ANY_SNOOP Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0108000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000108000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_HITM Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000108000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400108000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_MISS Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200108000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100108000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_NONE Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80108000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_S.SPL_HIT Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40108000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_E.ANY_SNOOP Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0088000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000088000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_HITM Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000088000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400088000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_MISS Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200088000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100088000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_NONE Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80088000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_E.SPL_HIT Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40088000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_M.ANY_SNOOP Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0048000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000048000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_HITM Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000048000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400048000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_MISS Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200048000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100048000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_NONE Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80048000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=L3_HIT_M.SPL_HIT Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40048000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.ANY_SNOOP Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0028000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000028000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_HITM Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000028000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400028000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_MISS Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200028000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100028000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_NONE Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80028000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SPL_HIT Counts any other requests EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40028000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=OTHER: response=ANY_RESPONSE Counts any other requests have any response type. EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=18000H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_MISS.ANY_SNOOP Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FFC400004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=203C400004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_HITM Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=103C400004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=43C400004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_MISS Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=23C400004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=13C400004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_NONE Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=BC400004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_MISS.SPL_HIT Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=7C400004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.ANY_SNOOP Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC4000004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2004000004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_HITM Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1004000004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=404000004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_MISS Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=204000004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=104000004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_NONE Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=84000004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SPL_HIT Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=44000004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.ANY_SNOOP Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0400004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000400004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_HITM Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000400004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400400004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_MISS Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200400004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100400004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_NONE Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80400004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SPL_HIT Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40400004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT.ANY_SNOOP Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC01C0004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=20001C0004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_HITM Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=10001C0004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=4001C0004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_MISS Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2001C0004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1001C0004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_NONE Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=801C0004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT.SPL_HIT Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=401C0004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_S.ANY_SNOOP Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0100004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000100004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_HITM Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000100004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400100004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_MISS Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200100004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100100004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_NONE Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80100004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_S.SPL_HIT Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40100004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_E.ANY_SNOOP Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0080004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000080004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_HITM Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000080004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400080004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_MISS Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200080004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100080004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_NONE Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80080004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_E.SPL_HIT Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40080004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_M.ANY_SNOOP Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0040004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000040004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_HITM Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000040004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400040004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_MISS Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200040004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100040004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_NONE Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80040004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=L3_HIT_M.SPL_HIT Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40040004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.ANY_SNOOP Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0020004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000020004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_HITM Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000020004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400020004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_MISS Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200020004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100020004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_NONE Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80020004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SPL_HIT Counts all demand code reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40020004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_CODE_RD: response=ANY_RESPONSE Counts all demand code reads have any response type. EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=10004H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_MISS.ANY_SNOOP Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FFC400002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=203C400002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_HITM Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=103C400002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=43C400002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_MISS Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=23C400002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=13C400002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_NONE Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=BC400002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_MISS.SPL_HIT Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=7C400002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.ANY_SNOOP Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC4000002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2004000002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_HITM Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1004000002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=404000002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_MISS Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=204000002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=104000002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_NONE Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=84000002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SPL_HIT Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=44000002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.ANY_SNOOP Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0400002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000400002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_HITM Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000400002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400400002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_MISS Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200400002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100400002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_NONE Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80400002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SPL_HIT Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40400002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT.ANY_SNOOP Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC01C0002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=20001C0002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_HITM Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=10001C0002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=4001C0002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_MISS Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2001C0002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1001C0002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_NONE Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=801C0002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT.SPL_HIT Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=401C0002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_S.ANY_SNOOP Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0100002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000100002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_HITM Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000100002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400100002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_MISS Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200100002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100100002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_NONE Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80100002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_S.SPL_HIT Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40100002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_E.ANY_SNOOP Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0080002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000080002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_HITM Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000080002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400080002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_MISS Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200080002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100080002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_NONE Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80080002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_E.SPL_HIT Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40080002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_M.ANY_SNOOP Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0040002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000040002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_HITM Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000040002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400040002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_MISS Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200040002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100040002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_NONE Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80040002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=L3_HIT_M.SPL_HIT Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40040002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.ANY_SNOOP Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0020002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000020002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_HITM Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000020002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400020002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_MISS Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200020002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100020002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_NONE Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80020002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SPL_HIT Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40020002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_RFO: response=ANY_RESPONSE Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) have any response type. EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=10002H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_MISS.ANY_SNOOP Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FFC400001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=203C400001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_HITM Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=103C400001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=43C400001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_MISS Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=23C400001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=13C400001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_MISS.SNOOP_NONE Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=BC400001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_MISS.SPL_HIT Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=7C400001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.ANY_SNOOP Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC4000001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2004000001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_HITM Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1004000001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=404000001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_MISS Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=204000001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=104000001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SNOOP_NONE Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=84000001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM.SPL_HIT Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=44000001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.ANY_SNOOP Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0400001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000400001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_HITM Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000400001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400400001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_MISS Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200400001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100400001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SNOOP_NONE Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80400001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L4_HIT_LOCAL_L4.SPL_HIT Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40400001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT.ANY_SNOOP Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC01C0001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=20001C0001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_HITM Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=10001C0001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=4001C0001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_MISS Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2001C0001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1001C0001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT.SNOOP_NONE Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=801C0001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT.SPL_HIT Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=401C0001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_S.ANY_SNOOP Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0100001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000100001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_HITM Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000100001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400100001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_MISS Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200100001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100100001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_S.SNOOP_NONE Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80100001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_S.SPL_HIT Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40100001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_E.ANY_SNOOP Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0080001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000080001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_HITM Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000080001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400080001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_MISS Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200080001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100080001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_E.SNOOP_NONE Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80080001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_E.SPL_HIT Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40080001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_M.ANY_SNOOP Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0040001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000040001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_HITM Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000040001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400040001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_MISS Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200040001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100040001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_M.SNOOP_NONE Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80040001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=L3_HIT_M.SPL_HIT Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40040001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.ANY_SNOOP Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=3FC0020001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_NON_DRAM Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=2000020001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_HITM Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=1000020001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=400020001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_MISS Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=200020001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=100020001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SNOOP_NONE Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=80020001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=SUPPLIER_NONE.SPL_HIT Counts demand data reads EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=40020001H Offcore
    OFFCORE_RESPONSE:request=DEMAND_DATA_RD: response=ANY_RESPONSE Counts demand data reads have any response type. EventSel={B7H,BBH} UMask=01H MSR_OFFCORE_RSPx{1A6H,1A7H}=10001H Offcore